The Manly Junction Railroad Museum in Worth County has received a $1.8 million tourism grant from the state of Iowa. The Iowa Economic Development Authority Board approved a number of grants ...
Three new hotels totaling 287 guest rooms are coming to Calera. According to the city of Calera, the following hotels are under development within the city limits of the fast growing community: ...
The exhibit is called “How Quincy Got on the Map” and will feature Quincy historic bridges, steamboat and industry memorabilia, as well as old street and railroad signs. Museum organizers said there ...
He is also the park manager of the Central Railway and Forestry Museum in Prince George, a city in north-central B.C. Wich says the museum had been warned that one of its priceless artifacts — a ...
Abstract: With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), train control systems have emerged as a successful application scenario. The Virtually Coupled Train Set (VCTS), as a new paradigm ...
After hearing concerns from the fire department about delays caused by trains blocking railroad crossings, Calera’s IT Department began working to create a solution which arrived in the form of ...
Thieves stole a valuable M5 Airchime railway horn from the Central BC Railway and Forestry Museum on the night of Saturday, Feb. 22. Workers arrived Sunday morning to find the horn missing.
The bidding process has begun for construction of this roundhouse at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg. Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission STRASBURG, Pa. — A bid process has ...
You're reading AL-Monitor City Pulse — Istanbul ... has made its way home from Denmark and will soon take its place in the treasure-packed Antalya Museum, one of Turkey’s most institutions. The Danes ...
DES MOINES, Iowa – The Manly Junction Railroad Museum has received a $1.818 million grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). The money will go to build a new 19,500-square-foot ...
We follow and abandoned RailRoad track until we discover a forgotten Train Car! The creek near the tracks was loaded with glass and we spend some time searching for lost history! Egypt discovers ...
An Alabama attraction will soon close its doors, just for a little bit, while undergoing a facelift. The Huntsville Museum of Art will temporarily close its doors from March 2 through June 2025.