According to Android Police, T-Mobile has added Google’s latest phones to its beta test of direct-to-cell satellite service powered by SpaceX’s Starlink. iPhones and a select few Samsung phones were ...
There's a lot of heated competition around the best foldable phone and the Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold intends to be a part of that conversation. This year's notebook style foldable gets a new makeover, ...
The Galaxy S25 Ultra, being Samsung's ultimate offering for this flagship cycle, is competing with some already available top ...
From the flagship Google Pixel 9 series to previous-gen models, Google Pixel phones offer high-end features including security, camera quality and performance. Here's how to score one for less.
On the surface, it looks like Samsung did the bare minimum to release a new flagship phone. However, once you spend time with ...
The pricing structures are also a bit different here, as the Galaxy S25 Ultra starts at $1,299 versus a starting price of just $1,099 for the Pixel 9 Pro XL. You also have the option of saving even ...
Specs, Release Date & Price Google is making major changes to its product launch timeline. Following the early launch of the Google Pixel 9 series in August 2024, the company is now advancing the ...
For the Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung added a new ultra-wide camera sensor, Gorilla Armor 2 and a big revamp to its AI suite. But is that enough to convince you to buy a new $1,300 phone?
Google is already bringing one of the Galaxy S25’s standout AI features to Pixel phones. If you thought Gemini’s Talk Live was a Samsung-only trick, think again.
In yet another Google Pide 9a report, Android Headlines revealed the device’s pre-order and shipping dates. The outlet claims ...
An update to Google Gemini has brought the Talk Live feature introduced on the Galaxy S25 to the Pixel 9 series and Galaxy ...
Whether you want a new iPhone or an Android phone, these shopping tips will help you make the most of your money.