If you are on the Basic subscription plan, you have reached the limit of articles included in your subscription. Contact our ...
The location of a future community ice rink is still uncertain, but one Forsyth County park has been eliminated as a ...
Daycare worker Kendasia Hughley was arrested for allegedly drugging toddlers with Benadryl at a church daycare.
A head-on collision between an ambulance and a Jeep on a Winston-Salem highway left a patient dead Tuesday. It has not been determined if the person died as a result of injuries in the crash or from a ...
Deputies said they received a report March 9 about Hugley handing out Benadryl on March 5 to children in her classroom who ...
WS/FCS unveiled a draft of new attendance zones for students in elementary, middle and high schools two weeks ago, the latest step in a two-year initiative to make schools more ...
An ambulance has been involved in a crash with another vehicle in Forsyth County. The Winston-Salem Police Department said ...
FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. — A crash involving a Forsyth County ambulance and a car shuts down the 6600 block of southbound Silas ...
They say the daycare worker gave Benadryl to a class of toddlers on March 5, before turning herself into the sheriff's office ...
A teacher at Forsyth Methodist Church daycare in Georgia was charged after allegedly giving Benadryl to children "to make ...
A Forsyth daycare teacher has been arrested and charged after giving Benadryl to toddlers to make them sleepy at nap time, ...