It is Australia's final political contest before Prime Minister Albanese calls a national election that is due by mid May.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s Labor party has secured a morale-boosting victory in an election in the nation’s ...
Ecologists at Mount Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary in southwestern Australia were monitoring a population of at-risk marsupials ...
The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than 3.5 billion years ago is changing the way ...
A surfer missing in Western Australia was “taken by a shark”, police said, after search teams pulled a board scarred with ...
"Given how rare such evidence is due to [Earth's] geological recycling processes, this is a major breakthrough in ...
The New South Wales (NSW) government in Australia has announced the Western Sydney International Take-Off Fund, ...
Western Australians will hit the polls for the state election today - with two surveys revealing which party is likely to win ...
Hollywood actor Leonardo Di Caprio has taken aim at a mining expansion in Western Australia's South West region, saying it is ...
An Australian surfer is presumed dead after a shark attack while his girlfriend and others watched on in horror, only weeks ...
Backed by significant mining industry and other business figures, Labor won Saturday’s state election in WA, but largely due ...
SYDNEY - The Labor party secured re-election in Western Australia on March 8 as the state’s voters backed the party in a ...